Lemon Raspberry Gummies

Lemon Raspberry Gummies

Makes 20 Gummies

Gelatine contains collagen and elastin and other healing and repairing nutrients that help to repair the gut lining. Also fabulous for hair, skin and nails.


3⁄4 cup lemon juice
1 cup frozen organic raspberries
1 tablespoon honey, raw and local to you

1⁄4 cup grass-fed gelatin


lace lemon juice and raspberries in a blender and blend on high until completely mixed. Pour into a saucepan.
Add the honey and gelatin and whisk together. You will have a thick paste. Turn the heat on low, and continue to whisk the mixture for 5-10 minutes, until it becomes thin and everything is incorporated. Take off the heat.

Pour into silicone molds or a small baking dish lined with plastic wrap. Set in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour to firm up.

If you used a small baking dish as a receptacle, cut into bite-size squares. Otherwise, remove gummies from their molds and enjoy!